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Camillo Boana

GRRIPP Thematic Lead on Critical Theory


Camillo Boano is a Full Professor of Architecture and Urban Design (Icar14) at the Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche, Territorio del Politecnico di Torino, Italy and Professor of Urban Design and Critical Theory at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL, London where he is also Co-Director of the UCL Urban Laboratory.

Camillo’s research is centred on the complex encounters between critical theory, radical philosophy and urban design processes, specifically engaging with informal urbanisations, urban collective actions, as well as crisis-generated urbanisms with specific focus on migration, borders and the urban project. He is working on a series of interconnected research projects in Latin America, South East Asia and the Middle East on urban infrastructures, habitability and city-wide upgrade. He has authored several books (+16) including The Ethics of a Potential Urbanism: Critical Encounters Between Giorgio Agamben and Architecture (2017), and one in Italian with Fabrizio Floris, Citta’ Nude. Iconografie dei campi profughi (Franco Angeli, 2005) and two edited books: Urban Geopolitics. Rethinking Planning in Contested Cities (2018) with Jonathan Rokem and Neoliberalism and Urban Development in Latin America: The Case of Santiago (2018) with Francisco Vergara-Perucich and a number of articles (+55) in several journals on architecture, design, critical theory, camps and housing.

The GRRIPP Project concluded on the 30 April 2024 but we would love to continue the network we have grown over the past 4 years. To continue GRRIPPs legacy, please subscribe to our formal mailing list by clicking here. 

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